Joshua Jones Wiki
Joshua Jones Wiki
Buzz Books

Olivia Madden (From scripts by
Bob Wilson)

Buzz Books was a subdivision of Heinemann Young Books, who released a series of small hardcover children's books. The Joshua Jones range featured stories written by Olivia Madden, which were developed from the original televison series scripts by Bob WilsonThere were eight books in the series, they originally cost around £1.50 each.

Buzz Books also covered other popular children's series such as Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, Fireman Sam, Rupert, The Animals of Farthing Wood and TUGS.


  1. Horseplay (Based on the episode of the same name)
  2. Going Haywire (Based on Haywire)
  3. A Parrot Called Boomer (Based on Boomer)
  4. Treasure Trove (Based on Treasure)
  5. Photo Finish (Based on the episode of the same name)
  6. Snake Chase (Based on the episode of the same name)
  7. Tortoise Trail (Based on Tortoise)
  8. Night Watch (Based on Spook)



  • Much like the Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends range, the images were actually photographs taken from the television series.
  • The endpapers feature illustrations of the characters drawn by The County Studio, who were also responsible for the illustrations of the Picture Storybooks, the Fireman Sam and TUGS Buzz Books, and several other TUGS books..
  • All eight titles were also translated into Welsh.