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Duck Tunnel is a Picture Storybook, it was published in 1992.


Joshua Jones and Spanner were loading bricks and a drainpipe onto Delilah. Joshua asked about the drainpipe but Spanner said Joe Laski had wanted bricks and a pipe. Spanner nearly knocked Joshua overboard with the drainpipe and said sorry with a smile. Fiona had been watching and asked Joshua if she could go to the lock with him. This was ok and he untied Delilah’s mouring ropes and cast off. In the spring sunshine they saw a squirrel and some baby rabbits. Fairport began to bark at a family of ducklings on the water. Josh told him to stop as he would scare them. At the lock Josh and Fiona went to look for Joe Laski. He was up the pond building a brick wall. Fiona noticed another family of ducklings and told Fairport not to bark at them. Joe took his tractor to the lock load the bricks onto the trailer. Josh told him not to forget the drainpipe. Joe had wanted a pie from Sharon’s Cafe not a pipe! He took it in case he could find a use for it. Ravi had come out of his grandad’s cottage and went with them to see the new wall. Back at the pond mother duck was sat on the wall looking upset she could climb on the wall to get to the canal but her ducklings were too small. Fiona and Ravi found the ducklings by the reeds they had heard mother duck calling them. They carefully picked four ducklings up and put them near their mother. Fiarport watched them with cocked ears. Ravi found the last duckling hiding in drainpipe. Mother duck was calm again and set off to the canal with the ducklings waddling behind. Joe said they would soon finish unloading the bricks and then go to the canal and check on the ducks. Fiona said “Look” and there was Fairport carrying a duckling carefully in his mouth. Ravi held the duckling and Fiona held onto Fairport in case he tried to helpful again. They headed back to the canal to find the family of ducks asked Admirable Karia if he’d seen them on the way. They’d passed him five minutes earlier and they were soon spotted in the canal. Ravi placed the ducking in the water with the other. Fiona said “I thought there were five ducklings not six”. The mother duck was chasing the new duckling away it wasn’t one of hers. Fairport had disappeared again maybe the duckling belonged to the family that Fairport barked at earlier. Josh, Ravi and Fiona searched back along the canal bank until they came to a tunnel. They heard a squeaking noise and out of the tunnel came a cross duckling, cheeping furiously followed by three more, a mother duck and last of all, Fairport. Josh growled “Come here at once Fairport” He swam to Josh climbed out and shook himself all over. Fiona, Josh and Ravi who all shouted as water sprayed over them. Just then mother duck squawked and flew towards her missing duckling who was now swimming on its own. All her other babies bobbed along behind her. Fairport woufed safely and Josh said”daft dog” Joe said” he had a good idea” and asked Joshua to come up to the farm. He’d dug a hole under the wall and put the pipe in it so next year the ducklings would be able to follow their mother the get to the canal. Spanner’s mix up with the pipe had got the duck their tunnel.

