Heatwave is a Picture Storybook, it was published in 1992.
It was a boiling hot afternoon, the roses at Lock Cottage were wilting and the even the birds were too hot to sing. Spanner was helping Joshua Jones to unload some sandbags for Joe Laski. Spanner groaned "This heat's killing me". Joe arrived on his tractor collect the sand. Now his new barn would soon be finished. Spanner flopped on the grass moaning. Fiona said "you're going on holiday soon aren't you? think of the sun, sand and swimming". Spanner sat up and said "swimming" He kicked off his boots and took off his T-Shirt. Fiona said "what are you doing Spanner?". "I'm cooling off", he said. Josh called out "all aboard!" and started Delilah's engine. Fiona jumped on and Spanner dived into the lock. Josh had shouted "No! its too dangerous". But Spanner took no notice. Spanner's head appeared he was coughing and spluttering oo, ow it hurts he gasped, I've cut myself on something. He started thrashing around and yelled "Help" as he went under the water. Josh shouted "Quick Fiona get the lifebelt" as he pushed the tiller hard over to swing Delilah stern away from Spanner. Fiona threw the lifebelt and Spanner grabbed it. He was still yelling "help save me!" so Joe Laski grabbed the emergency lifebelt from Lock Cottage. It flew towards Spanner and landed nearly on his head. Fiona and Joe laughed because Spanner looked so funny. Josh didn't laugh he was trying to steer the Delilah away from Spanner and the canal wall. Joe shouted "kick your feet" and he moved to the steps in the wall. Joe helped him out, but Spanner had to go back to get the other lifebelt. Spanner moaned "My foot!" "Its agony!" Joe looked at it and said "there is no out, nothing wrong with it" On the Delilah, Josh was having problem's the propeller had got tangled in something. The engine spluttered and slipped. Josh said Fiona jump off and tie her up to a tree. Josh and Fiona looked inside the weed hatch a piece of wire was tangled round the propeller. Joe Laski came to have a look he said "I'll get you my wire cutters". "No thanks". said Josh "I'll have to fix her back at Grimspool". "You can't do that without an engine" said Spanner. Fiona said "In the olden days someone would have to walk along the towpath and pull the Delilah with rope". Everyone looked at Spanner. He said "I've been worked to death and nearly drowned" "Anyway didn't horses pull narrowboats then?" Josh said "of course can we borrow Trojan, Joe?" "I can use that old horse tackle I've had for years. It's a bit tangled but I can sort it out". Fiona and Joe went to fetch Trojan and Spanner sneaked off he sunbathe. Fiona and Joe went up the lane but Trojan was nowhere to be found Joe thought he would be under the trees in the shade. Fiona whistled but Trojan didn't came. "He's all sleepy and lazy today", said Joe. "He's afraid I'm going to make him work we have to be clever Fiona" Joe quietly climbed over he fence and Fiona followed him. It wasn't easy and Trojan kept running in the wrong direction Fiona chased him twice round the field. Then Joe put his hand in his pocket. He said "I am forgetting". He brought out two white sugar lumps. Trojan trotted over. Back at the Delilah Josh put the harness on Trojan and hitched him to the tow rope. Fiona tugged his bridle gently and said, "Gee up, off we go". Trojan heaved his great shoulders and the Delilah began to move. There was an indignant shout behind them Spanner was running along the towpath "Stop! wait!" You can't go without me! He yelled. They'd forgotten, Spanner. Josh needed Spanner's help when they did got to the tunnel. He would have to leg the Delilah through to tunnel with Josh while Fiona took Trojan round by the path. Spanner said "My legs are tired". Josh said "Suit yourself walk all the way home if you like". Josh told Spanner to hop on board at the tunnel and lie on his back like him and they would puddle through the tunnel with their feet. "Come on Trojan" said Fiona "Well meet them at the other end". Fiona heard Josh's voice saying "Nearly there, Spanner". That wasn't too bad now, was it? Josh appeared lying on his back pushing the Delilah along with feet against the roof of the tunnel. Spanner was fast asleep. Fiona said "I don't think he heard you" Back at Biggott's Sharon was waiting at the wharf. She was getting worried. She shrieked when she saw Spanner. "Oh my poor precious! what have you done to him?" What have I done to him? said Josh. You mean, what has he done to me? Sharon shrieked again. Joshua Jones, you heartless, unfeeling...." Spanner woke up and looked around. He said "is the kettle on?" Josh patted Trojan "Someone's got to take you home" he said. Fiona was tried and looked anxious. "Not you Fiona" said Josh. "Off you go Spanner. We'll give you a cup of tea when you come back!"