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The C.C. Club is a Picture Storybook, it was published in 1992.


Wilton Cashmore had just received some fishing equipment he'd been waiting for and headed off to the wharf to try it out. On the he saw, Spanner eating a chocolate bar and throwing the wrapper on the floor. Wilton said "hello" to his daughter, Fiona playing with her friend Ravi at the wharf. They were using white packing stuff to make a garage. Wilton set his fishing stuff up as Joshua Jones arrived in his canal boat, Delilah. The wash from the barge tangled the fishing line in the bushes. Joshua got off the barge with Fairport his dog who saw a fishhook in the bushes. Joshua stopped him just in time. The hook was a danger to wildlife so he untangled it and put it in the bin. Wilton sent Joshua to collect an urgent delivery from the lock. Fiona and Ravi wanted to go with him and he told them about the complaints, the canal was full of litter and needed cleaning up. The children noticed a blackbird trying to eat the packing stuff they'd been playing with so cleared it up together with things that Wilton had dropped on the floor. As they sailed along the canal the children noticed the amount of litter and Joshua rescued a mouse that was trapped in a plastic bottle. They decided to form a club to clean up the canal and called it C.C.C. Joshua stopped at lock Cottage to pick up a delivery for Biggott's Wharf, it was an enormous packing case. Admirable Karia lived there and Ravi, his grandson ran in saying he had important things to do. Fiona had started collecting litter when she heard flapping, a bird was tangled in a drinks can binder. She ran to ring Daphne the vet to help rescue the bird. Daphne arrived in her yellow car she soon caught the bird and cut it free with some scissors. Fiona told Daphne about the Clean Canal Club and Ravi gave everyone badges he'd made. Meanwhile Wilton had recrewed a call from Mr. Biggott saying that the wharf was a disgrace became of the litter everywhere. Joshua arrived with the packing case and inside there were lots of litter bins for people to put their rubbish in. Spanner asked for a badge and joined the C.C. Club there was lots of work for them all to do.

