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Joshua Jones Treasure Trove Cover
Treasure Trove

Olivia Madden (From scripts by
Bob Wilson)




Buzz Books/Heinemann Young Books

Treasure Trove is the fourth Buzz Book, it was based on Treasure.


It was one of those lazy summer days when it seems a shame to stay indoors. Admirable Karia was trimming his hedge and Sharon was getting the café ready for customers. Fiona and Ravi were helping Josh and Mr Laski plant birch saplings at the bottom of the field. "These trees they grow big as your house Ravi" said Mr Laski. "I wish I lived in the country" said Fiona. "All I can see is Biggot's Factory out of my window" Joe said "I'll bring you one maybe your papa will plant it for you". Fiona and Ravi went to pick some flowers for Fiona to take home. Josh said "I'll give you a ride back. Shout when you're ready to leave". Meanwhile back at the warehouse Spanner was trying to move a desk. Wilton shouted rudely "Get a move on you half-wit". Spanner panted "Can't I spot and have a bit of a rest?". Just at that moment Josh and the children arrived at the wharf. "Daddy" called Fiona as she ran to him with her bunch of flowers. "I picked them for you and Daddy Mr Laski says he'll give me a tree if you plant it for me". "What does he think I am an agricultural laborer?" said Wilton crossly. "Take those flowers to Mrs Karia they're very nice I'm those but I must get on I'm a busy man". "You don't look too busy Spanner" said Josh. "What are you doing with that desk?" "Cashmore made me move it on my own and I've got to chop it up for firewood" moaned Spanner. Josh said "You're kidding, a fine desk like that". Josh examined the desk carefully. "Watch this Ravi" he said as he pressed inside one of the pigeon ides. "Gosh!" said Ravi. "It's got a secret compartment". "I once found a gold sovereign in one of these drawers" said Josh. "Let me look" said Ravi. "There is something here" he said pulling out a piece of paper. "Its an old map" Ravi said disappointed Spanner repeated "A map?". "It looks dead old" said Ravi as he peered at the paper. "July 7th 1864... something about a, silver.... I can't read the writing". "Let me see" said Spanner excitedly. Sharon arrived with the mid-morning snack a large piece of chocolate cake. "There you are treasure" she said plonking a big kiss on his cheek. "It's a treasure map" said Spanner. "Give it here" said Sharon. "Look the diagram shows an x by Buckby Bridge near my café". "Come on, Sharon If we can find the treasure we'll be rich". "We'd better hurry Josh" said Ravi. "They'll find it before we do". "I don't think that fair". "Real treasure seekers always do a bit of detective work first. Jump aboard were going to Bapu's Cottage". Sharon and Spanner were soon back at the café. Sharon produced a shovel and a spade. Spanner surveyed the ground and said. "What about here by the wall?" Sharon soon got tried of digging. "How deep do I have to go Spanner?" "Just wait till you find treasure love then it will be worthwhile". Fiona and Mrs Karia had finished arranging the flowers when Fiona heard the chug-chug of the barges engine. Ravi shouted "Hi". when Fiona ran out on the balcony. "We're going to Bapu's to look for clues, you want to come to?" . At that moment a bad tempered Wilton strode out on the balcony. "Has Spanner finished moving those cabinets Jones?" he shouted. "Well actually...." said Josh. "He's at the café Mr Cashmore" said Ravi. "That's it, just wait till I get my hands on him" exploded Wilton as he dashed downstairs. "Oh heck" said Josh. At the café Sharon and Spanner were still hard at work. "Can I stop now?" said Sharon. "No, lets look at the map again" said Spanner. "That treasure's got to be here somewhere". "Ooh, look out Spanner. It's Cashmore!" "Right" said Wilton. "Just what is going on here?". "Were digging for treasure" explained Sharon. "Treasure! Hand over that map immediately" said Wilton. As soon as Josh and Ravi at the lock, they went up to Admirable's attic. Josh quickly leafed through a book dated 1864 but couldn't find what he was looking for. Ravi pointed to an old book propping up a table leg. "What this Bapu?" he asked. Josh pickup the book, read a few pages and shouted. "Ravi you're a genius! Take a look Admirable". "Very interesting" said Admirable. "I think it time to join our friends at Sharon's Café" said Josh. When they arrived the ground was full of holes. Wilton was shouting "Keep digging Spanner the map says Eleven tons of silver buried at Buckby Bridge". "Sorry Mr Cashmore" said Josh. "Not silver buried but silver bird" "Silver bird was a boat and she sank by the bridge". "So there's no treasure" cried Wilton. "Sorry about all the holes Sharon. We've spoiled the café" said Spanner sheepishly. "Why don't we plant some of Mr Laski's trees in them suggested Fiona. "Lovely!" said Sharon. "And you can have your silver in the from of silver birches" teased Josh.

