Vet's Orders is a Picture Storybook, it was published in 1992.
Wilton Cashmore was polishing his car. Spanner came to have a look and leant against the bonnet. "Watch out", barked Wilton. Fiona on her bike was told to mind the puddles. Josh and Fairport on Delilah and jumped ashore. Fairport walked through a patch of mud, sniffed round the front of the car and jumped on the bonnet leaving lots of muddy paw prints. Wilton shouted, "Get off there". Fairport wagged his tail. Wilton took a step forward and slipped on a sponge. His polishing rag flew out of his hand and whizzed past Fairport's ear who yelped in surprise and slithered off the bonnet landing heavily on his back legs. Josh said "here boy" and he limped towards him. Josh was angry "You had no right to do that Mr. Cashmore" he said. Wilton looked ashamed. Fiona said "he's limping badly I think he's hurt himself". Wilton went paler and he said "oh dear". Joshua and Fiona went off to see Daphne. Fiona put Fairport in his basket and Fiona steered the Delilah up the canal at full speed. Fiona said "Daphne will know what to do won't she Josh?" she started to tell Josh that she was going to be a vet one day. Josh knew and thought she'd be a good one. At the lock Josh carried Fairport up the path towards Daphne's surgery. Daphne was fixing her car's engine. Josh asked Daphne to have a look at Fairport and Fiona explained that daddy had lost his temper and didn't mean to hurt him. Daphne gently felt Fairport's leg and said he had a fracture and she would need to put it in plaster. At Biggott's Wharf Wilton was in his office trying to work, but he couldn't. He was saying "I'm never going to lose my temper again". Spanner came in banging the door open. Wilton started to tell him off then told him to have a tea break. Spanner asked him if he was feeling all right. Wilton said "perfectly, I'm going to see a man about his dog". Daphne was getting ready to set Fairport's leg and Josh held him still while she gave him an injection. Fiona helped by passing things to Daphne. None of them saw Wilton looking through the window. It looked serious and he tiptoes away. Later Fairport woke up and looked at his leg in surprise. Daphne laughed and said "he would soon get used to the plaster and it will only be for a week or two! Fiona wondered she had to go out to other patients. Daphne said Fiona had been a good nurse that morning and lift her to look after Fairport when she was called out to an emergency at Grimspool. Fiona put out bowls of food and water for Fairport. Then dealt with a phone call from Mr. Laski followed by a knock on the door. It was her dad with a bone for Fairport. Wilton asked how he was and Fiona said "come and see". Fairport barked happily when he saw the bone. Fiona said "he wasn't to get excited and she didn't think he should have the bone yet". Wilton crept out out and bumped into Josh in the lane. He said "I'm sorry Mr. Jones". Josh said "I know you didn't mean to hurt Fairport it was an accident". Wilton said "I'm never going to lose my temper again" He pulled something out of the car saying "I've got a present for you". "A budgie" said Josh. Daphne drove up just as Fiona ran out of the surgery and said "Joe Laski phoned one of his piglets is in trouble" "I'll go at once" said Daphne but her car wouldn't start again. Josh grinned "you can take her Mr. Cashmore, can't you". Wilton burst out "go to a farm? In my car?" He looked at Josh and said "Oh all right then?" At the farm Joe Laski was waiting with the small piglet. Daphne looked at the piglet and agreed with Joe that the piglet needed medicine she put the piglet on her knee in Wilton's car. He really didn't want the piglet in his car but Daphne said "Pigs are really very clean". They were soon back at the cottage and Wilton was just going to drive away when they saw Fiona on the doorstep she said "a sheep is trapped in a ditch". Wilton groaned when Daphne said "back in the car Mr. Cashmore" and handed the piglet to Fiona. Daphne and Wilton pushed and pulled the sheep until they freed it. At the surgery Fiona had been busy. Fairport was looking better so Fiona gave him the bone. The telephone rang, Mr. Biggott needed Wilton back at the wharf. Daphne asked him to take, Fairport back to Josh. Fairport growled when he saw the budgie and Josh said "Why don't keep the budgie for me Fiona", and winked at Wilton.
- Joshua
- Fairport
- Mr. Cashmore
- Spanner
- Fiona
- Daphne Peacock
- Joe Laski
- Mr Biggott (mentioned)