Joshua Jones Wiki
Joshua Jones Wiki
Volume 2

Ian Frampton
John Walker


Ian Frampton
John Walker
Bumper Films


Bob Wilson


George Layton
Barbara Flynn

Music by

Ben Heneghan
Ian Lawson
Maldwyn Pope


Reel Entertainment




70 mins

Preceded by

Volume 1

Followed by

2 DVD Set

Volume 2 is an Australian DVD released in 2005 by Reel Entertainment. It features the last six episodes of the series.


"Some people live in the country, Some people live in the city or town..."

Joshua Jones lives on a canal boat with his dog Fairport and together they take trips up and down Clearwater Canal, delivering items and carrying out tasks for the folks at Biggott's Wharf and generally having a fun time on the water.

Joshua's friends include Sharon, who owns a catering van, cheery Mrs. Datsa Karia and her son Ravi, the hungarian farmer Joe Lasky, Daphne Peacock, get-rich-quick Mr. Cashmore and his not-so-money-hungry daughter Fiona, and a lovable ginger twit called Spanner.

Originated and Designed by Rob Lee.


  1. Spook
  2. Plum Crazy
  3. Paperwork
  4. Photo Finish
  5. Snake Chase
  6. The Silver Key


  • All 3 Australian DVDs feature the same images on the front cover.
  • For unknown reasons, the character voices and most animal sounds in all episodes except Paperwork are only present in the left audio channel, leaving the right channel with the music and sound effects only, however, Fairport's sounds can sometimes be heard in both channels.
  • The error on the back cover's description appears to have been corrected since the release of Volume 1.


  • Mrs. Karia and Joe Laski's names are spelt incorrectly.
  • The image of Josh on the front cover is mirrored.
  • The back cover features a still image of a deleted scene from Sting, but that episode is not featured on this DVD.
  • For unknown reasons, all twelve episodes are listed on the back cover, despite the fact that this DVD only includes the last six.
  • Entertainment Rights's logo is seen on the cover, but they have never owned the rights to Joshua Jones.
